I am currently a Ph.D. student in Computer Science, specializing in artificial intelligence (AI) testing technology. After obtaining my Bachelor’s degree in Information and Computational Science from the School of Mathematics and Statistics at Beijing Institute of Technology in June 2019, I began my Master’s studies in Computer Software and Theory at the Academy of Military Sciences in September 2019. I transitioned to a doctoral program in April 2021 in the same field. My research primarily focuses on:

  • The safety testing of autonomous driving systems
  • Adversarial example research

These efforts aim to enhance the reliability and security of AI applications in critical areas.

🔥 News

  • 2024.07:🎉 “Dance of the ADS: Orchestrating Failures through Historically-Informed Scenario Fuzzing” has been accepted at the 33rd ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA 2024, 143/694=20.6%)!
  • 2023.11: 🎉 “ADV-POST: Physically Realistic Adversarial Poster for Attacking Semantic Segmentation Models in Autonomous Driving” presented at the International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP 2023).
  • 2023.09: 🎉 “Test Suite Generation Based on Context-Adapted Structural Coverage for Testing DNN” presented at the 2023 24th Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium (APNOMS 2023), and received the “Student Best Paper Awards”!
  • 2023.07: 🎉 “Driving into Danger: Adversarial Patch Attack on End-to-End Autonomous Driving Systems Using Deep Learning” presented at the 2023 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2023).
  • 2023.06: 🎉 “物理对抗补丁攻击与防御技术研究综述” accepted at Journal of Cyber Security (信息安全学报).
  • 2023.06: 🎉 “Risk Scenario Generation for Autonomous Driving Systems based on Scenario Evaluation Model” presented at the 2023 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2023).

📝 Publications

🧑‍🎨 Selected Publications

IJCNN 2023

Risk Scenario Generation for Autonomous Driving Systems based on Scenario Evaluation Model

Tong Wang, Xiaohui Kuang, Huan Deng, Taotao Gu, Wei Kong, Jianwen Tian, Gang Zhao

  • Introducing a scenario evaluation model to enhance risk scenario generation.
  • Establishing a scenario-based testing framework using the CARLA Leaderboard to explore risk scenarios in autonomous driving systems.
  • Conducting a cross-sectional comparison of three open-source systems, LAV, Transfuser, and NEAT, to highlight safety distinctions.
ISCC 2023

Driving into Danger: Adversarial Patch Attack on End-to-End Autonomous Driving Systems Using Deep Learning

Tong Wang, Xiaohui Kuang, Hu Li, Qianjin Du, Zhanhao Hu, Huan Deng, Gang Zhao

  • Conducting a study on ADS using the CARLA Leaderboard, focusing on adversarial example generation.
  • Proposing a data collection theory for generating adversarial examples with post-realism optimization.
  • Developing an effective loss function targeting ADS through route planning and control signal information.
  • Implementing adversarial patches, specifically in the form of a T-shirt, to demonstrate dangerous behaviors in ADS under simulation.
ISSTA 2024
ScenarioFuzz Workflow

Dance of the ADS: Orchestrating Failures through Historically-Informed Scenario Fuzzing

Tong Wang, Taotao Gu, Huan Deng, Hu Li, Xiaohui Kuang, Gang Zhao

  • Unveiling ScenarioFuzz, a pioneering scenario-based fuzz testing methodology for autonomous driving systems.
  • Extracting essential data from map road networks to form a foundational scenario seed corpus for fuzz testing.
  • Integrating specialized mutators and mutation techniques with a graph neural network model to optimize the fuzzing process.
  • Reducing time cost by an average of 60.3% and increasing error scenarios discovered per unit of time by 103%.
  • Proposing a self-supervised collision trajectory clustering method to identify and summarize high-risk scenario categories.
  • Successfully uncovering 58 bugs across six tested systems, highlighting critical safety concerns of ADS.

📚 All Publications

📅 2024

📅 2023

📅 2022

📅 2021

📅 2020

📖 Educations

  • 2019.09 - Present, Ph.D., Academy of Military Sciences, China.
  • 2015.09 - 2019.06, Bachelor, Beijing Institute of Technology, China.